


Andrej Ferdinand Novak

Studied Political Science, International Relations, Eastern & Southeastern European Studies and Russian Language at Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and Russian Studies at the European University at Saint Petersburg (Russia).

International experience from Dayton Peace Negotiations, Bundeswehr PsyOps for SFOR in Bosnia and KFOR in Kosovo, education in Germany, the US and Russia, regular visits to Ukraine, Croatia and Bosnia to having spent a decade in business including financial services based in London, Berlin and Moscow as well as over a decade as chairman of international and pro-European NGOs in London, Berlin and Nuremberg.

In the Media

Print & Online



  • July 2017 – National Radio Company of Ukraine (Ukraine) – Interview: Ukraine, Parallels with 1990s wars in the former Yugoslavia, Europe, Germany and the „Russian World“ (in Russian)
